A web-based tool that leverages the Jacdac prototyping platform, enabling an end-to-end workflow from a wired desktop prototype to a robust, enclosed device with modules electrically connected via a carrier PCB.

Key features

  • Jacdac modules attached to the PC are automatically detected, arranged on a carrier PCB and electrically routed
    • Intuitive drag and drop interface lets users (re)arrange modules
    • Automatic generation of Gerber files from the final arrangement, suitable for online PCB fabrication services without modification.
    • Various enclosure options are presented to the user, MakeDevice automatically generates STL files for 3D printing and SVGs for laser cut press fit boxes or stencils 

Link to work in progress paper: https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3569009.3573106


A cross-platform, opensource set of node.js scripts and custom Cycling ’74 Max objects which enable the use of Jacdac, an open, modular plug-and-play hardware prototyping platform, with Max visual programming language frequently used for audio-visual applications. We discuss the design and implementation of Jacdac-for-Max, and explore a number of example applications. Through this we show how Jacdac-for-Max can be used to rapidly prototype digital musical interfaces based on a range of input devices. Additionally, we discuss these qualities within the context of established principles for designing musical hardware, and the emerging concepts of long-tail hardware and frugal innovation. We believe that through Jacdac-for-Max, Jacdac provides a compelling approach to prototyping musical interfaces while supporting the evolution beyond a prototype with more robust and scalable solutions.

Link to full paper: https://nime.org/proc/nime2023_53/index.html

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